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Art of Living Course experience of Dolat Desai from Mumbai

Here is the Art of Living course experience of Dolat Desai, an international business consultant  from Mumbai.
He has done the Art of Living course under the instructor Mrs Henna Solanki at Kandivali, Mumbai in the first week of February 2006, just before Art of Living Silver Jubilee Celebrations, held at Jakkur airport, Bangalore from February 17th to 19th, 2006.

The  Exeperience  of   Art of   living  Course  was  wonderful  and  amazing.
It has  helped  me  to feel  my body and mind  very light and stress-free for  all the  twenty  four  hours. I  feel  that  my digestation system has improved a lot and get very sound sleep. It has also helped  me  to  remove  any  negative  feelings and opinions to a great extent. I have  started liking the environment  and people around me. I have  no doubt  that Art of Living course can improve health of body and mind of individual  but of  society and India.

1 comment:

Dev said...

Thanks for sharing such nice information on art of living with us.